Using multi-provider for LivematchPro

Using Statscore’s ID.

LivematchPro gives you opportunity to use different event IDs to show the Widget. Standard procedure is to show the tracker with STATSCORE’s event ID which can be found in booked_events endpoint:

event ID.jpg


Using single provider ID.

There is also option to show the widget with your event ID. If your offer is mapped with STATSCORE or you are using global feed provider to get event IDs, we give you opportunity to show the widget with the event id you are using. To check what events can be showed in this way you can check the mapped-events endpoint:

provider event id.jpg


To make it work, you need proper configuration in our system → contact us at to ask about your account settings.


If your account is well prepared, you can show the wiget using “client_event_id”. To use this you need to input “m:” prefix before id, example: m:12383582

other example with picture:

Using multi-provider ID.

You can find yourself in the situation that you are using different feed providers to show for example different sports. STATSCORE gives you opportunity to show the widget with provider event ID of your choice.

What you need to do is to ad a proper parameter “providerID” in the query. You are still using “m:” prefix for the event ID but in addition you need to use “providerID” param. See the example below:


Contact us at so we can prepare your account in the proper way and share the list of “providerID” that you can use.

You can find more details about proper integration in our docs: