Statuses: Handball
The complete list of possible match statuses for handball are listed below
Id | Status name | Short name | Status type | Description |
1 | Not started | Sched. | scheduled | |
2 | Interrupted | Interr. | interrupted | |
3 | Cancelled | Canc. | cancelled | |
5 | Postponed | Post. | scheduled | |
6 | Start delayed | Delay. | scheduled | |
7 | Abandoned | Abd. | interrupted | |
9 | Halftime | HT | live | |
11 | Finished | Fin. | finished | |
12 | Finished awarded win | AW | finished | |
13 | Finished after penalties | Fin pen. | finished | |
14 | Finished after extratime | Fin ext. | finished | |
15 | Extratime | Extra | live | |
33 | 1st half | 1st half | live | |
34 | 2nd half | 2nd half | live | |
35 | Extratime 1st half | Extra 1st | live | |
36 | Extratime 2nd half | Extra 2nd | live | |
37 | Extratime halftime | Extra HT | live | |
48 | Waiting for extratime | Waiting ET | live | |
141 | Penalty shootout | Penalty | live | |
152 | To finish | To fin. | scheduled | |
269 | 2nd Extratime 1st half | 2nd Extra 1st | live | |
270 | 2nd Extratime halftime | After 2nd ET 1st | live | |
271 | 2nd Extratime 2nd half | 2nd Extra 2nd | live | |
332 | Finished after 2nd extratime | Fin 2nd ext. | live | |
333 | Waiting for 2nd extratime | Waiting 2nd ET | live | |
334 | Waiting for penalties | Waiting pen. | live |