Management of new seasons

One of the crucial moments during a season is when we decide to flag that the new season becomes ACTUAL

STATSCORE’s partners can easily check if the season is flagged by us as ‘actual' by using the method: seasons.index
Information about seasons includes the 'actual’ parameter, which indicates whether the season is current.


The moment of changing this parameter depends on the Season Stats Level for the selected season.
Details on the expected time of flagging the season as 'actual' and the available data are presented in the table below:

Season Stats Level

Expected date

Available data

Season Stats Level

Expected date

Available data


4 weeks before starts

  • Season Teams Profiles

  • FIxtures

  • Standings

  • Venues


4 weeks before starts

  • Season Teams Profiles

  • FIxtures

  • Standings

  • Venues


2 weeks before starts

  • Season Teams Profiles

  • FIxtures

  • Standings


1 week before starts

  • Season Teams Profiles

  • FIxtures

  • Standings



Season Teams Squads are available for the VIP and GOLD seasons about 2 weeks before the season starts, however their presence is not necessary to mark the season as 'actual'.