LivematchPro 3.0

LivematchPro is one of our most popular products. We are constantly developing the second generation of trackers, but we have also decided to create a completely new version. Why is this? The world is constantly moving forward and new technologies are being developed that we can use to make our product better, faster, and more exciting for both our customers and their users.

SSR makes it faster
LivematchPro 3.0 uses a Server-side Rendering (SSR) solution. It’s one of the biggest changes in comparison to the previous version. SSR makes the tracker load much faster. The difference between 2.0 and 3.0 version is really noticeable for the users. The tracker can load up to ten times faster (of course it depends on the conditions).

3.0 is lighter
The old version of LivematchPro was sometimes facing difficulties when someone was trying to open the tracker on a device with a slow internet connection. A lot of data needed to be loaded and that made the user wait for a while. We found a more optimal solution. There are less data needed at the beginning, so even with a slow connection, you will barely notice a loader.

More flexibility
The second generation of trackers is still alive, but we had to stop adding new features. The product structure is a bit rigid. There are some restrictions we can’t overcome. We have taken this into account when developing a new version. Now, flexibility is one of the project’s strengths. Clients have a lot of options to choose from. Additionally, we are open to all kinds of suggestions. The new version allows us to create a whole new Widget, just for you.

Fits in every space
The second generation of the tracker required a minimum of 320px to work. We moved this barrier and LivematchPro works perfectly even on 250px. That’s another option you can use on your website, even when you don’t have a lot of space on it.

Entertaining and interactive
Another big change. The old LivematchPro version doesn’t offer any kind of interaction with users. They can browse through the information, but they are unable to add anything. That’s why we have created voting widgets. Your users now can vote for their team and check the predictions of others.