
Resource information



Returns a list of sub-participants for the event
Cache60 seconds
Authorization requiredYes

Method parameters

NameData typeDescription
event_idxsd:intREQUIRED. The requested event identifier

Query parameters

NameData typeDescription
tokenxsd:stringREQUIRED. More information concerning authorization in API introduction section

Determines language for the output data 

tzxsd:stringDetermines timezone for the output data

Method calling examples

Description{{YOUR_TOKEN}}Returns a list of sub-participants for the event in JSON format

Output elements


idUnique identifier of the sub-participant (if the participant exist in the system)

Participant type. Possible values:

  • team
  • person
nameSub-participants name
short_nameParticipants' abbreviated name, max length: 20 characters
acronymMax 3 characters in length mini name, e.g. BAR, REA

Sub-participant gender. Possible value:

  • male
  • female
  • mixed (e.g. for doubles in tennis)
area_idUnique identifier for the area represented by the sub-participant 
area_nameArea name represented by the sub-participant
area_codeMax 3 characters in length for the abbreviated area name e.g. GER, POL, FRA
sport_idUnique identifier for the sport in which a sub-participant takes part 
sport_nameName of the sport in which a sub-participant takes part

Determines if sub-participant is a national team. Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
websiteSub-participants official website
utInformation about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP
old_participant_idDeprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API version
slugFriendly URL for sub-participant
logoAttribute for internal purposes

Determines if the participant is a virtual (not real team or player). Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
shirt_nrShirt number for the player
detailsDetailed data for participant
team_idIdentifier of participant id (team)
lineup_idUnique identifier of the sub-participant in the event

Position's name for selected sub-participant in the event. More detailed than the position_type parameter. Possible values:

  • Soccer

    • goalkeeper
    • 1st lineup
    • bench 
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Volleyball

    • starting lineup
    • substitute
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Handball

    • goalkeeper
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Futsal

    • goalkeeper
    • starting lineup
    • substitute
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Ice hockey

    • goalkeeper
    • line 1
    • line 2 
    • line 3 
    • line 4 
    • substitute
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Basketball

    • starting lineup
    • substitute
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Baseball

    • batter 
    • pitcher
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Am. football

    • offense 
    • defense 
    • substitute
    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

  • Cricket

    • player
    • coach
    • will not play (significant absence)
    • empty

Position type of selected position. Recommended for distinguishing starting lineups. Possible values:

  • starting lineup (if the sub-participant is in the starting lineup)
  • substitute (if the sub-participant starts on the bench)
  • coach (if the sub-participant is a coach)
  • will not play (if the sub-participant will not play in this game)

Code of player's absence reason. Appear only if 'position_type' field is 'will not play'.

Possible values:

  • FederationDecision
  • CoachDecision
  • Disqualification
  • Injury

Player's absence reason. Appear only if 'position_type' field is 'will not play'.

Possible values:

  • Federation decision
  • Coach decision
  • Disqualification
  • Injury
position_reason_idUnique identifier of the position reasons

idUnique identifier for the statistic
nameName of the statistic. Possible values are different depending on the sport
short_nameAbbreviated name of the result.
valueValue related to the statistic

Defines type of field generated on front (internal purpose only)

  • integer
  • decimal
  • binary_text
  • binary
  • text
  • signed_integer