Integration guide

Integration guide

The integration of the PrematchPro tracker is a very simple process which can be achieved in 3 basic steps.

Step 1: Test Tracker placement

The basic test which will show the tracker on your website can be done using our test Tracker. This scenario doesn't require any domain validation or agreement. You can place the tracker wherever you would like to.
To do the test you need to place two pieces of scripts on your website:

  1. Tracker generator:
    Include the JavaScript code on your page once, ideally right before closing <body> tag.

    Tracker generator
    <script rel="script" src="https://prematch.statscore.com/prematchcenter/generator"></script>

  2. Tracker placeholder: 
    Place the code for your Tracker wherever you want the Tracker to appear on your page. 

    Tracker placeholder
    <section id="Tracker-1" class="STATSCORE__Tracker" data-event="1853382" data-lang="en" data-config="203" data-zone="" data-use-mapped-id="0"></section>

  • id - it's the HTML element identifier. In case where few trackers will be visible on the same page, each id should have different value e.g. "tracker-2", "tracker-3" etc.
  • class - tracker element should always contain "STATSCORE__Tracker" class
  • data-event - this value should include STATSCORE event ID or CUSTOMER event ID.
    Please note: To force the script to use CUSTOMER event ID flag "use-mapped-id" should have value = 1.
  • data-lang - sets language for tracker
  • data-config - configuration id, different for each customer
  • data-zone - sets time-zone for tracker. If empty local time-zome will be detected automatically.
  • use-mapped-id - switch tracker to use STATSCORE or CUSTOMER event id in data-event parameter to display visualisation. 
    Possible values:
    "0" - in this case data-config parameter should store STATSCORE event ID to display widget.
    "1" - in this case data-config parameter should store CUSTOMER event ID to display widget and CUSTOMER event ID should be mapped with STATSCORE event ID in STATSCORE system.

Please note: 
The test widget has the same parameters as the real one, so you can change parameters like: lang and timezone to see how you can adjust the widget on your website. 
Colours, fonts and other styles in the production Tracker can be adjusted at the deployment stage after agreement has been reached.

Step 2: Pairing events with STATSCORE

Details about pairing events are described in this document: Pairing (mapping) events with STATSCORE

Step 3: Tracker configuration

If the test step is successful we are ready to place the production widget configured according to your needs.
In the production Tracker you need to set two basic parameters:

  1. data-config
    This value is given by STATSCORE to customers. There is a possibility to have more than one configuration for a customer (for example two different trackers or parts of the tracker on one website). By default STATSCORE prepares one configuration for each customer (however more configurations can be ordered).
    On our demo website you can check different configurations (Select template):
  2. data-event
    STATSCORE's unique identifier for an event (match). It should be a numeric value.

    All event identifiers are provided by STATSCORE in the API method named booked-events.
    Example: https://api.statscore.com/v2/booked-events?product=prematchcenter&client_id=2&mapped_status=mapped

In this method a customer can find his own event ID (client_event_id attribute). Then he can look for the STATSCORE event ID (id attribute) corresponding to the same event.

booked-events - JSON


"id": 123456, // this is STATSCORE event id (numeric)
"client_event_id": "123456789", // this is your event ID (string)




"id": 567890, // this is STATSCORE event id (numeric)
"client_event_id": "qweoy28qry8r7yq83", // this is your event ID (string)



To get the right list of booked events the customer needs to call this method with the proper value of CLIENT_ID provided by STATSCORE.
There is also more information provided about the events which could be useful for the customer.

Simplified integration method (Using your event id)

In case you don't need to know id advance which of the games are covered and mapped you can use simple integration method.

Then all you need to do is to switch option: data-use-mapped-id="1" in tracker placeholder script.
For example: 
<section id="Tracker-1" class="STATSCORE__Tracker" data-event="1853382" data-lang="en" data-config="203" data-zone="" data-use-mapped-id="1"></section>

If the event is covered and mapped the widget will be automatically displayed.
If any problem occure, proper error message will be returned in the console, and the widget will not be shown.

error handling examle:
window.addEventListener('statscore.livematchpro.tracker1.error', function(){
  console.log('This is tracker1 error callback');

Event handling describes how to handle such errors to make some fallbacks.

Event handling

You can add event listener to handle some of the tracker events.

Example 1

window.addEventListener('statscore.livematchpro.{your tracker identificator}.{event type}', function(){

Available event types:

Event name
readyThis event triggers when tracker is loaded.
resizeThis event triggers when tracker iframe was resized. Keep in mind that this event is fired not only on resize, we use it internally to handle some stuff.
errorThis event triggers on any error occurrence which leads to tracker failing to load. It can be triggered by both external and internal reasons (for example by providing invalid event id or some system error on our side).
Example 2

window.addEventListener('statscore.livematchpro.tracker1.ready', function(){
console.log('This is tracker1 ready callback');

window.addEventListener('statscore.livematchpro.tracker1.resize', function(){
  console.log('This is tracker1 resize callback');

window.addEventListener('statscore.livematchpro.tracker1.error', function(){
  console.log('This is tracker1 error callback');

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