Starting from the 2021/22 season, STATSCORE offers a tournament brackets for stages from selected competitions
Bracket availability for the stage
Information about the bracket availability for the stage can be found in the stage node through, events.index or stages.index endpoints:
competition → season → stage
“Has_brackets” is a parameter, which is responsible for information about availability of the bracket for selected stage. Possible values: "yes" or "no"
stage": {
"id": 104858,
"stage_name_id": 1392,
"name": "Victoria",
"start_date": "2020-06-22",
"end_date": "2020-06-25",
"show_standings": "yes",
"groups_nr": 0,
"sort": 1,
"is_current": "no",
"ut": 1625465879,
"old_stage_id": "",
"has_brackets": "yes",
Receiving data about the bracket for the selected stage
You can easily access bracket data for stages with “has_brackets = yes” parameter by using the endpoint. For more information about an endpoint, see the endpoint documentation.