Customers are being integrated by pairing events identifiers (ID's). STATSCORE is responsible for the automatic pairing process that should cover the major of the mappings. The whole integration process is described in this document.
The only requirement for the customer is to provide us with the list of teams and events.
The teams data are being used by STATSCORE to make the “initial mapping” with the teams STATSCORE use.
Initial mapping is done only once (it’s not repetitive process).
The new teams or players will be mapped (automatically or manually) during the Events-Mapping process.
The events data are being used by STATSCORE to make the pre-match or live offer mapped with the events STATSCORE offers.
In standard integration our mapping engine will request your end-point:
- in every 10 minutes for the games from the next 3 days
- in average every 24 hours for the games from the next 2 weeks
Please note:
The list of JSON events should be ordered by start_date that is ascending. It should start from the current date and include also "live" events that have already started.
The list of JSON events should be limited to prevent server overload when customers have got thousands of events in the feed. This can be achieved by using filters like:
Filter by dates in the query ("date_from=2015-09-10&date_to=2015-09-11).
Filter by sport_id separated by comma f.e. sport_id=1,3,5,7, would be good additional feature.
The maximum size of the JSON events should not be greater than 2 MB and if there is more data it should be paginated.
The maximum execution time of the JSON events should not be longer than 30 seconds.
In case when prematch ID is different than the inplay we need to have separate event list for both (concerns PrematchPro customers only).