trading-feed.index [draft]

Resource information



Returns all important messages for trading purposes including following message types:
betstops, outcome results, rollbacks, betting offers cancels

  • bet_stop
  • outcome_result
  • betting_offer_rollback
Cache0 seconds
Authorization requiredYes

Method parameters

There are no method parameters in this resource 

Query parameters

tokenxsd:stringREQUIRED. More information concerning authorization in API introduction section
pagexsd:intDetermines offset of paginated data. Default value is 1 which means first page.

Determines maximum number of returned records on page. Used in paginated data. Default value is 500

Possible values: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500


Selection date, format UNIX_TIMESTAMP. Only messages that occurred or were updated after this timestamp will be returned.

By default (if no parameter given) incidents from last 24 hours.

timestamp_toxsd:unix_timestampSelection date, format UNIX_TIMESTAMP. Only messages that occurred before this timestamp will be returned.
sport_idxsd:intIdentifier of the sport. Allows incidents for the selected sport to be filtered

Determines type of message

  • bet_stop
  • outcome_result
  • betting_offer_rollback

REQUIRED if you set object_type attribute! Identifier of the object depends on object type, e.g. if you choose an event as an object_type you should use event identificator.

The complete list of possible seasons can be retrieved using the API resource: seasons.index
The complete list of possible events can be retrieved using the API resource: events.index


Possible object type:

  • season - for betting offers related to the season e.g: Premiership 2015/2016
  • event - for betting offer related to the event e.g: Real Madryt - Barcelona
betting_offer_idxsd:intIdentifier of the betting_offer

Method calling examples

Description{{YOUR_TOKEN}}Returns all important messages for trading purposes from the last 24 hours in XML format{{YOUR_TOKEN}}Returns all important messages for trading purposes from the last 24 hours in JSON format{{YOUR_TOKEN}}&sport_id=1

Returns all important messages for trading purposes from the last 24 hours for basketball events

Output elements

idUnique identifier for the message

Possible value:

  • bet_stop
  • outcome_result
  • betting_offer_rollback
sourceInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
utInformation about the date and time of when the message was created. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP.
...bet_stopnode available only if message type is bet_stop
object_idIdentifier of the object depends on object type, e.g. if you choose an event as an object_type you should use event identificator

The complete list of possible seasons can be retrieved using the API resource: seasons.index
The complete list of possible events can be retrieved using the API resource: events.index

Possible object type:

  • season - for betting offers related to the season e.g: Premiership 2015/2016
  • event - for betting offer related to the event e.g: Real Madryt - Barcelona

Describes type of operation. For this message type, action attribute always has create value


List of betting offers identifiers separated by a comma (e.g. 123,234,321). Possibility to input multiple identifiers, separated by comma.

If empty value ALL betting offers for specified object_id should be suspended or closed.


The betting offers specified in betting_offer_ids attribute can receive following values:

  • suspended - the users can't bet on the betting offer (e.g when team received the red card)
  • closed - the betting offer is closed and no further bets will be taken
...outcome_resultnode available only if message type is outcome_result
idIdentifier of the outcome
betting_offer_idIdentifier of the betting_offer related with this outcome. The complete list of possible betting_offer can be retrieved using the API resource: betting-offers.index

Describes type of operation for the outcome result. Possible values:

  • insert - when result of outcome is known
  • update - when a previously sent result of outcome contains error and need to be updated
resultDescribe result of the outcome. Possible values:
  • won - user won his bet, user should receive winnings (odds*stake)
  • lost - user lost his bet, user lost his stake
  • void - user should receive his stake back
  • partial win - user won part of his bet, user should receive winnings (odds*stake/2 + stake/2)
  • partial loss -  user lost part of his bet, user should receive half of his stake back

Possible empty value for outcomes yet to be settled.

wrong_message_idIdentifier for the message which contains incorrect information. Available only when action attribute is update. For action insert it's empty value
...betting_offer_rollbacknode available only if message type is betting_offer_rollback
idIdentifier of the betting offer

Describes type of operation for the event. Possible values:

  • insert - new betting_offer_cancel offer generated
  • update - betting offer was updated

    Rollback_bet_cancelis sent when a previous bet cancel should be undone (if possible). This may happen, for example, if a Betradar operator mistakenly cancels the wrong market (resulting in a bet cancel being sent) during the game; before realizing the mistake.


Possible object type:

  • season - for betting offers related to the season e.g: Premiership 2015/2016
  • event - for betting offer related to the event e.g: Real Madryt - Barcelona
object_idIdentifier of the object depends on object type, e.g. if you choose an event as an object_type you should use event identificator

The complete list of possible seasons can be retrieved using the API resource: seasons.index
The complete list of possible events can be retrieved using the API resource: events.index

If specified it means a start date from which all bets made should be cancelled.

Possible empty value

If specified it means an end date to which all bets made should be cancelled.

Possible empty value