replacers.index [draft]

replacers.index [draft]

Resource information



Returns all available replacers used in markets and outcomes.

Replacers are used to generate the dynamic information like event parts, number of points, participant names etc. During the process of creation betting offers replacers are used in the markets name and outcomes name to generate final name. If market or outcome uses a replacer, it's final name is generated for a specific betting offer, e.g. for market name "Who will win #nextPoint#. point" we use replacer instead of #nextPoint#  and that's what generates market "Who will win 3. point").

Cache60 seconds
Authorization requiredYes

Method parameters

There are no method parameters in this resource 

Query parameters

tokenxsd:stringREQUIRED. More information concerning authorization in API introduction section

Determines language for the output data. The complete list of possible languages can be retrieved using the API resource: languages.index

pagexsd:intDetermines offset of paginated data. Default value is 1 which means first page

Determines maximum number of returned records on page. Used in paginated data. Default value is 500

Possible values: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500

timestampxsd:unix_timestampSelection date, format UNIX_TIMESTAMP. Only changes that occurred or were updated after this timestamp will be returned.

Method calling examples

https://api.statscore.com/v2/replacers.xml?token={{YOUR_TOKEN}}Returns a list of all replacers in XML format
https://api.statscore.com/v2/replacers?token={{YOUR_TOKEN}}Returns a list of all replacers in JSON format

Output elements


idUnique identifier of the replacer
nameName of the replacer

Format of returned replacer. Possible values:

  • decimal
  • integer
  • text
  • variable_text
descriptionDescription of the replacer
utInformation about the date and time of when the stage record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP


	<replacer id="1" name="#totalPoints#" format="decimal" description="Contains the number of points (e.g in basketball, volleyball) used for specific market" ut="1232545645" />
	<replacer id="2" name="#totalGoals#" format="decimal" description="Contains the number of goals (e.g in soccer, handball) used for specific market" ut="1232545645" />
	<replacer id="3" name="#totalDistance#" format="decimal" description="Distance of the jump (always .25 or .75 to make it unable to be the equally to jump distance)" ut="1232545645" />
	<replacer id="4" name="#handicap#" format="decimal" description="Contains the number of scoring/incidents (e.g. goals, points, cards) which are added to underdog's results to improve his chances" ut="1232545645" />
	<replacer id="5" name="#asianHcp#" format="decimal" description="Contains the number of scoring/incidents (e.g. goals, points, cards) which are added to underdog's results to improve his chances. May be ,25 and ,75 value to make bets 'half won' and 'half lost'" ut="1232545645" />

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