Resource information
URL | |
Method | GET |
Description | Returns detailed information for a requested betting offer |
Cache | No |
Authorization required | Yes |
Method parameters
Name | Type | Description |
betting_offer_id | xsd:int | REQUIRED. The requested betting offer identifier |
Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
token | xsd:string | REQUIRED. There is more information concerning authorization in the API introduction section |
lang | xsd:string | Determines the language for the output data. The complete list of possible languages can be retrieved using the API resource: languages.index |
tz | xsd:string | Determines timezone for the output data. The complete list of possible time zones is included in the API introduction section |
page | xsd:int | Determines offset of paginated data. Default value is 1 which means first page |
resulted_outcomes | xsd:string | Determines values of outcomes result:
timestamp | xsd:unix_timestamp | Selection date, format UNIX_TIMESTAMP. Only changes that occurred or were updated after this timestamp will be returned |
Method calling examples
Link | Description |
---|---|{{YOUR_TOKEN}} | Returns a list of all betting offers for the customer in XML format |{{YOUR_TOKEN}} | Returns a list of all betting offers for the customer in JSON format |{{YOUR_TOKEN}}&is_live_market=yes | Returns a list of all live betting offers for the customer in XML format |{{YOUR_TOKEN}}&is_live_market=no | Returns a list of all prematch betting offers for the customer in XML format |
Output elements
.betting_offers | |
..betting_offer | |
id | Identifier of the betting offer |
bookmaker_id | Identifier of the bookmaker assigned to you during subscription purchase |
is_live_market | Possible values:
market_id | Identifier for the market. The complete list of possible markets and their default market can be retrieved using the API resource: markets.index |
market_name | Name of the market |
object_type | Possible object type:
object_id | Identifier of the object depends on object type. The complete list of possible seasons can be retrieved using the API resource: seasons.index |
object_name | Name of the object e.g: Barcelona - Real Madrid or Premiership 2015/16 |
sport_id | Unique identifier for the sport. The complete list of possible sports can be retrieved using the API resource: sports.index |
area_id | Unique identifier for the area. The complete list of possible areas can be retrieved using the API resource: areas.index |
competition_id | Unique identifier for the competition. The complete list of possible competitions can be retrieved using the API resource: competitions.index |
season_id | Unique identifier for the season. The complete list of possible seasons can be retrieved using the API resource: seasons.index |
event_id | Unique identifier for the event. The complete list of possible events can be retrieved using the API resource: events.index |
event_status_id | Unique identifier of the event status. Available only when object_type=event, in other cases null value The complete list of possible events statuses can be retrieved using the API resource: statuses.index |
event_result | Result for the event in format result1:result2 e.g: 2:0. For some sports like tennis attribute will contain results of each period seperated by | e.g 1:1| 4:5 |15:0 Available only when object_type=event and for an event with 2 participants, in other cases null value |
clock_status | Clock status. Possible value:
clock_time | How many seconds have passed in the current event period. Available only when object_type=event, in other cases null value |
replacer | For some markets we are using replacers. It's a list of key=value atributtes seperated by | e.g. participant1=Barcelona | participant2=Real. The complete list of possible replacers for each market can be retrieved using the API resource: markets.index. Possible null value. |
status | Possible values:
display_order | The parameter used to sort betting markets. Sorting direction is ascending |
start_date | Date when the betting offer starts in format DATE_TIME (2015-03-01 11:02) |
open_at | Date when the betting offer was opened in format DATE_TIME (2015-03-01 11:02) |
closed_at | Date when the betting offer should be closed in format DATE_TIME (2015-03-01 11:02) |
ut | Information about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |
...outcomes | |
....outcome | |
id | Identifier of the outcome |
default_outcome_id | Default outcome id. The complete list of possible default outcomes can be retrieved using the API resource: default-outcomes.index |
name | Name of the outcome |
participant_id | Identifier of the participant related to the outcome. Possible null value. The complete list of possible participants can be retrieved using the API resource: participants.index |
status | Possible values:
result | Possible values:
Possible empty value for outcomes yet to be settled. |
starting_odds | The starting odds offered by the bookmaker in decimal format |
odds | The current odds offered by the bookmaker in decimal format |
probability | Probability of the outcome in format 0.65 |
display_order | The parameter used to sort outcomes. Sorting direction is ascending |
ut | Information about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |
<betting_offers> <betting_offer id="190909093" bookmaker_id="1" is_live_market="yes" market_id="1" market_name="3way" object_type="event" object_id="22345" object_name="Legia Warsaw - Borussia" sport_id="5" area_id="144" competition_id="12" season_id="13456" event_id="22345" event_status_id="1" event_result="0:0" clock_status="running" clock_time="9012" replacer="participant1=Legia Warsaw|participant2=Borussia" status="active" display_order="1" start_date="2016-09-14 20:45:00" open_at="2016-09-12 05:12" closed_at="2016-09-14 20:45:00" ut="12345622323"> <outcomes> <outcome id="112312" default_outcome_id="1" name="Legia Warsaw" participant_id="136763" status="active" result="none" starting_odds="10.50" odds="9.75" probability="0.0977" display_order="1" ut="12345622323"/> <outcome id="112313" default_outcome_id="3" name="Draw" participant_id="" status="active" result="none" starting_odds="5.00" odds="4.85" probability="0.1965" display_order="2" ut="12345622323"/> <outcome id="112314" default_outcome_id="2" name="Borussia" participant_id="136359" status="active" result="none" starting_odds="1.34" odds="1.35" probability="0.7058" display_order="3" ut="12345622323"/> </outcomes> </betting_offer> </betting_offers>