Participant node

idUnique identifier of the participant

Participant type. Possible values:

  • team
  • person
  • double
nameParticipants name
short_nameParticipants abbreviated name, max length: 20 characters
acronymMax 3 characters in length mini name, e.g. BAR, REA

Participants gender. Possible value:

  • male
  • female
  • mixed (e.g for mixed doubles in tennis )
area_idUnique identifier for the area represented by the participant.  
area_nameArea name represented by the participant.
area_codeMax 3 characters in length for the abbreviated area name e.g. GER, POL, FRA.
sport_idUnique identifier for the sport in which the participant is involved.
sport_nameName of the sport in which the participant is involved.

Determines if participant is a national team. Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
websiteParticipants official website
utInformation about when the date and time of the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP
old_participant_iddeprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API version
slugfriendly url for participant
logoAttribute for internal purpose

Determines if the participant is real player / team or virtual. Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
shirt_nrInformation about player's season number