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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Resource information


idUnique identifier for the message
uuidUniversally Unique Identifier for the massage.
Note: for certain messages, such as updates to a previous, related message, the UUID may be the same. This intentional duplication allows clients to establish correlations between messages, aiding in tracking updates or related data across a system.

Possible value:

  • incident
  • event
sourceInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
utInformation about the date and time of when the message was created. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP.
...incidentnode available only if message type is incident
idUnique identifier for the incident occurred in the event

Describes type of scout operation for the incident. Possible values:

  • insert - new incident generated by the scout
  • update - incident was updated by the scout (e.g. incident "yellow card" is updated when scout fills in the name of the player (participant)
  • delete - incident was deleted (e.g. when the scout adds an incident by mistake, he can delete it)
incident_idIdentifier for the incident 
incident_nameName of the incident. e.g. goal, yellow card, red card etc.


Attributes identifiers related to incident, separated by a comma (e.g. [397, 398])

Describes confirmation status for the incident. Possible values:

  • tbd – appears as default for Goal, Penalty, Red card, Yellow card and Corner incidents.
  • confirmed – appears when the following incident will be confirmed by referee.
  • cancelled – appears when the following incident will be cancelled by referee. Incidents with this value have no effect on statistics.
participant_idUnique identifier of participant (player, team or coach) name related to incident 
participant_nameParticipants (player, team or coach) name related to incident.  
subparticipant_idTeam id that the player or coach is part of 
subparticipant_nameTeam name that the player or coach is part of
infoInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute

Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
importantInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
add_dataInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
show_popupInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
show_scoresInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
show_actionInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
show_timeInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
show_on_timelineInternal attribute, please dont use this attribute
event_timeInformation when the incident occurs in format MM:SS
event_status_idUnique identifier of the event status
event_status_nameName of the event status
period_timerInformations regarding game clock

Contains information about timer direction. Possible values:

  • down
  • up
timeTime in sync with the game clock
x_posBall position on X axis (percents)
y_posBall position on Y axis (percents)
...eventnode available only if message type is event
idIdentifier of the event

Describes type of operation for the event. Possible values:

  • insert - new event generated
  • update - event was updated
  • delete - event was deleted
nameThe name of the event
start_dateStart date for the event in format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm

Determines if only the full time result/score of the event is given . Possible values:

  • yes - result/score is updated only when the event is finished 
  • no - result/score is updated during the event

Type of event coverage. Possible values:

  • from_venue - means the scout is relaying the event directly from the stadium (max. latency 1 second)
  • from_low_latency_tv - means the scout is relaying the event from tv transmission (max. latency 3 seconds)
  • from_tv - means the scout is relaying the event from tv transmission (max. latency 8 seconds)
  • basic - for this type of coverage we don't provide detailed event incidents (max. latency around 60 seconds)
status_idUnique identifier of the event status 
sport_idIdentifier for the sport in which the event is played 
round_idUnique identifier for the round in which event is played. Possible null value  
round_nameName of the round. Possible null value.
dayDay of the season

Determines if event is played at a neutral venue. Possible values:

  • yes
  • no

Describes status for the item (record). Possible values:

  • active - the record is active
  • deleted - the record was deleted by the admin. In the case of when an event was added by mistake
clock_timeNumber of seconds that have passed in the current period

Clock status. Possible value:

  • running
  • stopped
area_idIdentifier for the area in which the competitions are played
competition_idUnique identifier for the competition 
season_idUnique identifier for the season.
stage_idUnique identifier for the stage
tour_idUnique identifier for the tour in which a competition is played

Competition gender. Possible values:

  • male
  • female
  • mixed

Bet status. Possible values:

  • active
  • suspended

Changed when there is a possibility of a card. Possible value:

  • active
  • suspended

Changed when there is a possibility of a corner. Possible value:

  • active
  • suspended

Relation status. Attribute for internal purposes. Possible value:

  • not_started - for an event that has not started
  • in_progress - for a live event
  • finished - for an event that has finished
  • 30_min_left - scout confirms his ability to deliver the coverage 30 min before the event
  • 5_min_left - scout confirms his ability to deliver the coverage 5 min before the event

Type of the status. Possible values:

  • live
  • scheduled
  • finished
  • cancelled
  • interrupted
  • deleted
  • other

Information concerning scouts coverage. Possible values:

  • yes - means that play by play incidents will be available for the event
  • no - means that play by play incidents will not be available for the event

Information about the expected latency. Possible values:

  • null (for the event with scoutsfeed=no parameter)
  • 1-2s
  • 3-6s
  • 7-15s
event_stats_levelInternal information, please do not use this field

Possible value:

  • yes - result is verified with an official source
  • no - result is not verified with an official source
is_coverage_limitedDetermines if event has limited information about players statistics
played_timeOnly for soccer. Number of seconds passed in the current period, including additional time
idUnique identifier for the detail. Possible values are different depending on the sport
valueValue related to the detail
counterNumber of participant in the event. Participant with counter="1" is the home team, "2" is the away team
idUnique identifier of the participant 
nameParticipants name
short_nameParticipants abbreviated name, max length: 20 characters
acronymMax 3 characters in length mini name, e.g. BAR, REA
area_idUnique identifier for the area represented by the participant 
area_nameArea name represented by the participant
area_codeMax 3 characters in length for the abbreviated area name e.g. GER, POL, FRA
utInformation about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP
idUnique identifier for the result. Possible values are different depending on the sport
valueValue related to the results
idUnique identifier for the statistic. Possible values are different depending on the sport
valueValue related to the statistic
event_status_statsSending only with incidents ending the previous part of the game. Contains statistics from previous part of the game


idUnique identifier of the participant
counterNumber of subparticipant in the event
nameParticipants name
short_nameParticipants abbreviated name, max length: 20 characters
acronymMax 3 characters in length mini name, e.g. BAR, REA
area_idUnique identifier for the area represented by the participant 
area_nameArea name represented by the participant
area_codeMax 3 characters in length for the abbreviated area name e.g. GER, POL, FRA
utInformation about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP
idUnique identifier for the result
valueValue related to the result
idUnique identifier for the statistic
valueValue related to the statistic
nameInternal information, please do not use this node
valueInternal information, please do not use this node