Versions Compared


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Lista statystyk z podziałem na wyniki (results) i statystyki (stats). Kolumna Type może przyjmować wartości: team (jeśli statystyka dotyczy drużyny), person (jeśli statystyka dotyczy osoby) lub team_and_person jeśli statystyki dotyczy obu jednocześnie. Kolumna Show on list określa czy statystyka jest dostępna dla klienta, czy jest tylko wewnętrzna statystyka (show_on_list=no). Kolumna filter type określa jakiego typu pole należy wypełnić wpisując tę statystykę (dostępne wartości: text, checkbox, select)

Stats ID (IT)
Stats name
Column name (IT)
Scope name
Show on list
Sort order
Filter type
 9Red cardsred_

The complete list of statistics for event in rugby are listed below.

Data format
Yellow cardsteam and person integer yes1textYellow cards
yellow_9Red cardsteam and person  yes2text



W kolumnie Create type określamy sposób tworzenia tabel (manual - dla tabel, które będą tworzone ręcznie), a auto_create dla tabel tworzonych automatycznie. W kolumnie Standings type wpisujemy typ tabeli np:

'standings','under_over','form','overall_stats', 'event_standings'. W kolumnie Columns opisujemy, jakie kolumny zawiera tabela, a w kolumnie Order rules/Sources podajemy sposób sortowania tabel, a dla tabel tworzonych ręcznie również źródło danych.

Standings Id (IT)
Standings type
Order rules / Sources
 Away standings
  • Away matches played
  • Away won
  • Away draw
  • Away lost
  • Away goals difference
  • Away goals scored
  • Away goals allowed
  • Away points
  • Away form
  • Away tries
 Form table
  • Form
  • Last Matches
 Halftime standings
  • Matches played
  • Won - 1st half
  • Draw - 1st half
  • Lost - 1st half
  • Goals difference - 1st half
  • Goals scored - 1st half
  • Goals allowed - 1st half
  • Points - 1st half
  • Tries - 1st half
 Home standings
  • Home matches played
  • Home won
  • Home draw
  • Home lost
  • Home goals difference
  • Home goals scored
  • Home goals allowed
  • Home points
  • Home form
  • Home tries
 League standings
  • Matches played
  • Won
  • Draw
  • Goals scored
  • Lost
  • Goals allowed
  • Goals difference
  • Points
  • Form
  • Tries
  • Last Matches
 Most popular results
  • Result
  • Amount
  • Percentage
 Overall stats
  • Matches scheduled
  • Matches played
  • Home won
  • Home won percentage
  • Draw
  • Draw percentage
  • Away won
  • Away won percentage
  • Average points scored
  • Home average points scored
  • Away average points scored
  • Average points scored - 1st half
  • Average points scored - 2nd half
  • Tries
  • Wins
  • Draws
  • Losses
  • No wins
  • No draws
  • No losses
 Team overall stats
  • Matches scheduled
  • Matches played
  • Won
  • Won percentage
  • Draw
  • Draw percentage
  • Lost
  • Lost percentage
  • Home matches played
  • Home won
  • Home won percentage
  • Home draw
  • Home draw percentage
  • Home lost
  • Home lost percentage
  • Away matches played
  • Away won
  • Away won percentage
  • Away draw
  • Away draw percentage
  • Away lost
  • Away lost percentage
  • Average points scored
  • Home average points scored
  • Away average points scored
  • Average points scored - 1st half
  • Average points scored - 2nd half
  • Percentage
 Wide standings
  • Matches played
  • Won
  • Draw
  • Lost
  • Goals difference
  • Goals scored
  • Goals allowed
  • Points
  • Form
  • Tries
  • Home matches played
  • Home won
  • Home draw
  • Home lost
  • Home goals difference
  • Home goals scored
  • Home goals allowed
  • Home points
  • Home form
  • Home tries
  • Away matches played
  • Away won
  • Away draw
  • Away lost
  • Away goals difference
  • Away goals scored
  • Away goals allowed
  • Away points
  • Away form
  • Away tries
  • Last Matches
  • Percentage