Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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Resource information



Returns the selected stage
PackageThis resource is included in the SCOUTSFEED, LIVESCORE and STATISTICS packages
Cache60 seconds
Authorization requiredYes

Method parameters

stage_idxsd:intREQUIRED. The requested stage identifier

Query parameters

tokenxsd:stringREQUIRED. More information concerning oAuth token: oAuth 2.0 authorization

Determines language for the output data. softnetSPORT API provides the following languages: languages.index

Method calling examples

Returns the selected stage in XML formathttps://api.softnetsport
?token={{YOUR_TOKEN}}Returns the selected stage in JSON format

Output elements


 idUnique identifier for the competitionnameName of the the competition e.g. U19 World Champshort_nameAbbreviated name of the competition e.g. U19 WCH, Max 20 charactersmini_name

Mini name of the competition, Max 3 characters in length e.g. U19


Competition gender. Possible values:

  • male
  • female
  • mixed
  • undefined

Competitions type. Possible values:

  • country_league - e.g. Premier Division
  • country_cups - e.g. FA Cup
  • international - e.g. World Cup
  • international_clubs - e.g. Champions League 
  • friendly - friendly matches
  • individual - for speedway individual competitions such as Speedway GP
  • team - for speedway national competitions
  • single - for tennis competitions
  • double - for tennis competitions
  • mixed - for tennis competitions
  • undefined - other
area_idUnique identifier for the area in which competitions are played. softnetSPORT API provides the following areas: areas.indexarea_nameName of area in which competitions are playedarea_type

 Type of area in which competitions are played. Possible values:

  • country
  • international
area_sortThe parameter used to sort competitions in a country e.g. Premier League is 1st and the Championship is 2nd in English competitions. Sorting direction is ascendingarea_codeMax 3 characters in length for the area in which competitions are playedoverall_sortThe parameter used to sort competitions. Sorting direction is ascending
sport_idUnique identifier for the sport in which competition is played. softnetSPORT API provides the following sports: sports.indexsport_nameName of the sport in which competition is playedtour_idUnique identifier for the tour in which competition is played. softnetSPORT API provides the following tours: tours.indextour_nameName of the tour in which competition is playedutInformation about the date and time of when the competition record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMPold_competition_iddeprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API versionslugfriendly url for competition
 idUnique identifier for the seasonnameName of the season e.g. Premiership 2014/15year

Determines the season year e.g.

  • 1970
  • 1970/71
  • 1971
  • 1971/72
  • 2000
  • 2000/01
  • 2014
  • 2014/15
utInformation about the date and time of when the season record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMPold_season_iddeprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API version
 idUnique identifier for the stagenameName of the stagestart_dateDate when stage begins. Format YYYY-MM-DDend_dateDate when stage ends. Format YYYY-MM-DDshow_standings

Determines if the stage contains standings. Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
groups_nrThe number of groups that are part of the stage

Include Page
Competition node
Competition node

competition > season

Include Page
Season node
Season node

competition > season >stage

Include Page
Stage node
Stage node

competition > season > stage > groups

competition > season > stage > groups > group

Include Page
Group node
Group node

competition > season > stage > rounds

competition > season > stage > rounds > round

idUnique identifier of the round
nameName of the round. Possible translation of the attribute
sortThe sort order for the
round. Sorting direction is ascending

Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
utInformation about the date and time of when the
round record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP
old_stage_iddeprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API version....groups idUnique identifier for the groupnameName of the grouputInformation about the date and time of when the group record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP....participants .....participant idUnique identifier of the participanttype

Participant type. Possible values:

  • team
  • person
nameParticipanst nameshort_nameParticipants abbreviated name, max length: 20 charactersacronymMax 3 characters in length mini name, e.g. BAR, REAgender

Participant gender. Possible value:

  • male
  • female
  • mixed (e.g. for doubles in tennis)
area_idUnique identifier for the area represented by the participant. softnetSPORT API provides the following areas: areas.index
area_nameArea name represented by the participantarea_codeMax 3 characters in length of the abbreviated area name e.g. GER, POL, FRAsport_idUnique identifier for the sport in which participant takes part. softnetSPORT API provides the following sports: sports.indexsport_nameName of the sport in which participant takes partnational

Determines if participant is a national team. Possible values:

  • yes
  • no
websiteParticipants official websiteutInformation about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMPold_participant_iddeprecated. The attribute will be deprecated in next API versionslugfriendly url for participantlogoAttribute for internal purposes



competition > season > stage > participants
competition > season > stage > participants > participant

Include Page
Participant node
Participant node