.competition | |
id | Unique identifier for the competition |
name | Name of the the competition e.g. U19 World Champ |
short_name | Abbreviated name of the competition e.g. U19 WCH, Max 20 characters |
mini_name | Mini name of the competition. Max 3 characters in length e.g. U19 |
gender | Competition gender. Possible values:
type | Competitions type. Possible values:
area_id | Unique identifier for the area in which competitions are played |
area_name | Name of area in which competitions are played |
area_type | Type of area in which competitions are played. Possible values:
area_sort | The parameter used to sort competitions in a country, e.g. Premier League is 1st and the Championship is 2nd in English competitions. Sorting direction is ascending |
area_code | Max 3 characters in length for the area in which competitions are played |
overall_sort | The parameter used to sort competitions. Sorting direction is ascending |
sport_id | Unique identifier for the sport in which the competition is played |
sport_name | Name of the sport in which a competition is played |
tour_id | Unique identifier for the tour in which competition is played |
tour_name | Name of the tour in which the competition is played |
ut | Information about the date and time of when the competition record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |
old_competition_id | deprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API version |
slug | friendly url for competition |
..season | |
id | Unique identifier for the season |
name | Name of the season e.g. Premiership 2014/15 |
year | Determines the season year e.g.
ut | Information about the date and time of when the season record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |
old_season_id | deprecated. The attribute will be removed in the next API version |
...rounds | |
....round | |
id | Unique identifier for the round |
name | Name of the the round. Possible translation of the attribute |
sort | Order of round. Sorting direction is ascending |
ut | Information about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |