Name | Type | Description |
There are not no method parameters in this resource |
Name | Type | Description |
token | xsd:string | REQUIRED. More information concerning oAuth token: oAuth 2.0 authorization |
lang | xsd:string | Determines language for the output data. softnetSPORT API provides the following languages: languages.index |
page | xsd:int | Determines offset of paginated data. Default value is 1 which means first page. |
limit | xsd:int | Determines maximum number of returned records on page. Used in paginated data. Default value is 500. Possible values: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 |
object_type | xsd:string | Should be used always with object_id parameter
object_id | xsd:int | Should be used always with object_type parameter Determines object id which is the unique identifier |
type_id | xsd:int | Identifier of for standing type for which type that you want to get scoped results for. Possible standings types can be accessed in standings-types.index |
subtype | xsd:int | Determines subtype of standings. Possible values:
sport_id | xsd:int | Determines the sport identifier. softnetSPORT API provides the following sports: sports.index |
timestamp | xsd:unix_timestamp | Selection date, format UNIX_TIMESTAMP. Only changes which occured that occurred or was were updated after this timestamp will be returned |
.standings_list | |
..standings | |
id | Unique identifier for the standings |
name | Name of the standings |
sport_id | Unique identifier of for the sport in which standings occuresoccurres. softnetSPORT API provides the following sports: sports.index |
sport_name | Name of the sport |
type_name | Name of standings type. ie.eg. Standings table, Top scorers, Cards |
subtype | Name of subtype of for standings. Possible values:
object_id | Unique identifier for object selected in the object_type |
object_type | Type of object (kind of scope) for which data are is generated. Possible values:
object_name | Name for of the selected object |
ut | Information about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |