.participants | |
..participant | |
id | Unique identifier of the participant |
type | Participant type. Possible values:
name | Participant name. Possible translation of the attribute |
short_name | Abbreviated name, max length: 20 characters. Possible translation of the attribute |
acronym | Max 3 characters in length mini name, e.g: BAR, REA |
gender | Participant gender. Possible value:
area_id | Unique identifier for the area represented by the participant. The complete list of possible areas can be retrieved using the API resource: areas.index |
area_name | Area name represented by the participant. Possible translation of the attribute |
area_code | Max 3 characters in length of the short area name e.g: GER, POL, FRA |
sport_id | Unique identifier for the sport in which the participant take part. The complete list of possible sports can be retrieved using the API resource: sports.index |
sport_name | Name of the sport in which participant takes part. Possible translation of the attribute |
national | Determines if participant is a national team. Possible values:
website | Participants official website |
ut | Information about the date and time of when the record was last updated. Format UNIX_TIMESTAMP |
old_participant_id | deprecated. The attribute will be removed in next API version |
slug | friendly url for participant |
logo | Attribute for internal purposes |
...details | |
founded | Date when the team was founded |
phone | Phone number |
Email address | |
address | Addres where the team is located |
venue_id | Unique identifier of the venue in which the team plays home games |
venue_name | Name of the venue in which the team plays home games |
weight | Participants weight |
height | Participants height |
nickname | Participants nickname |
position_name | Name of the participants position |
birthdate | Participanst birthdate |
born_place | Participants place of birth |
is_retired | Determines if the participant has retired. Possible values:
subtype | Participant subtype name. Possible values: