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Every LivematchPro client gets access to our back office panel. Have a look below at what you can do or see there.




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In the top menu you can see three (or more if you have other our products) tabs:

  • Trackers - by clicking on "Trackers" you see the dashboard.
In the menu on the left, you can find LivematchPro and PrematchPro (if you also has bought this product) along with selected Websites.
  • Username - by clicking on your username, you can see the settings of your account. Here you can change your password or your account details.

  • Logout - by clicking on this tab, you will be logged out from back office.


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In the left menu, you can find a dashboard with basic information about the product, LivematchPro (and PrematchPro, if you also have bought this product) along with selected Websites.

» LivematchPro

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  • Events - here you can see the list of all events we offer with this product. You can find specific events using the filters placed above. Every event comes with information about start date, competition, stats level (every stats level has a specified range included. For more information about this visit our website).

    There is also the possibility to map games by yourself. You just have to type in the ID and press the button with a disc. Later, you can either edit the ID or delete it.

    In the "Options" section, you can:
    • book an event (even when it has started) or remove a booked event (only before the game has started);
    • see the preview of your tracker and copy the code to embed the tracker on a website.

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  • Autobooking - here you can see the list of all competitions we offer with this product. You can find specific competitions using the filters placed above. Every competition comes with information about

  • name, area, sport and gender. In the "Autobooking" column, you can select a competition that you want and this will automatically book all events for this competition at once.

» Websites

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By clicking on "Websites" you can see a list of websites where you can use our trackers.