Changes for Baseball events Added the Match about to start incident For the following incidents, we change the value of the 'important' parameter to =no "id": 2522,"name": "Pickoff attempt"
"id": 504,"name": "Ball"
"id": 503,"name": "Strike"
"id": 2523,"name": "In play"
"id": 2524,"name": "In play out(s)"
"id": 2530,"name": "Coach visit the mound"
Removal of the "confirmation" parameter for the following incidents (Ice hockey and Handball): id": 2281, "name": "Suspension", sport_id = 3
"id": 262, "name": "Penalty", sport_id = 6
"id": 267, "name": "2 min. suspension", sport_id = 6
Changed the 'important' parameter to '=yes' for incidents related to VAR in football "id": 1834, "name": "Possible VAR" "id": 2753, "name": "VAR ended"
Internal updates and bug fixes