Added new seasonal statistics possible to collect for Volleyball competitions (ID - Name) (seasons.participants-stats.index)
839 - Matches played
1174 - Matches to play
1171 - Attacks blocked
831 - Points ratio
1175 - Points scored per Match
1176 - Service aces per Match
1177 - Service attempts per set
1178 - Service attempts per Match
1179 - Service errors per set
1180 - Service errors per match
1181 - Attack points scored per match
1182 - Attack attempts per match
1210 - Attack attempts per set
1183 - Attack errors per match
1211 - Attack errors per set
1185 - Attack Blocked per match
1184 - Attack Blocked per set
1186 - Neutral attacks per match
1212 - Neutral attacks per set
1187 - Block points per match
1189 - Reception attempts per match
1188 - Reception attempts per set
1193 - Error receptions per match
1192 - Error receptions per set
1197 - Negative receptions per match
1196 - Negative receptions per set
1191 - Perfect receptions per match
1190 - Perfect receptions per set
1198 - Team errors per set
1199 - Team errors per match
1201 - Yellow cards per match
1200 - Yellow cards per set
1203 - Red cards per match
1202 - Red cards per set
1205 - Challenges per match
1204 - Challenges per set
1207 - Challenges correct per match
1206 - Challenges correct per set
1209 - Challenges incorrect per match
1208 - Challenges incorrect per set