The complete list of statistics for event in handball are listed below.
Id | Name | Type | Data format | Description |
701 | Captain | person | binary | |
40 | Goal | team and person | integer | |
19 | Total shots | team and person | integer | |
20 | Shots on target | team and person | integer | |
21 | Shots off target | team and person | integer | |
29 | Goalkeeper saves | team and person | integer | |
481 | Penalties | team and person | integer | |
121 | Penalty goals | team and person | integer | |
15 | Penalties missed | team and person | integer | |
122 | 2min. suspensions | team and person | integer | |
22 | Fouls | team and person | integer | |
123 | Offensive fouls | team and person | integer | |
8 | Yellow cards | team and person | integer | |
9 | Red cards | team and person | integer | |
593 | Blue cards | team and person | integer | |
35 | Appearance | person | binary | |
470 | Power play | team | integer | |
72 | Turnovers | team and person | integer | |
626 | Players in play | team | integer | |
637 | Goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
638 | Throws efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
639 | Penalties saved | team and person | integer | |
640 | Penalties efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
641 | 9 meter total throws | team and person | integer | |
642 | 9 meter throws off target | team and person | integer | |
643 | 9 meter goals | team and person | integer | |
644 | 9 meter throws saved | team and person | integer | |
645645 | 9 meter throws efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
646 | 6 meter ground throws | team and person | integer | |
647 | 6 meter ground throws | team and person | integer | |
648 | 6 meter ground goals | team and person | integer | |
649 | 6 meter ground throws saved | team and person | integer | |
650 | 6 meter ground throws efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
651 | 6 meter air throws | team and person | integer | |
652 | 6 meter air throws missed | team and person | integer | |
653 | 6 meter air goals | team and person | integer | |
654 | 6 meter air throws saved | team and person | integer | |
655 | 6 meter air throws efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
656 | 6 meter wings throws | team and person | integer | |
657 | 6 meter wings throws missed | team and person | integer | |
658 | 6 meter wings goals | team and person | integer | |
659 | 6 meter wings throws saved | team and person | integer | |
660 | 6 meter wings throws efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
661 | 6 meter total throws | team and person | integer | |
662 | 6 meter throws efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
663 | Fast attack goals | team and person | integer | |
664 | Fast attack unsuccessful | team and person | integer | |
665 | Total fast attacks | team and person | integer | |
666 | Fast attack efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
667 | Successful blocks | team and person | integer | |
668 | Fouls causing penalty | team and person | integer | |
669 | Top left goals | team and person | integer | |
670 | Top center goals | team and person | integer | |
671 | Top right goals | team and person | integer | |
672 | Bottom left goals | team and person | integer | |
673 | Bottom center goals | team and person | integer | |
674 | Bottom right goals | team and person | integer | |
675 | Top left goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
676 | Top center goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
677 | Top right goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
678 | Bottom left goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
679 | Bottom center goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
680 | Bottom right goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
681 | Goals 1-10m | team and person | integer | |
682 | Goals 11-20m | team and person | integer | |
683 | Goals 21-30m | team and person | integer | |
684 | Goals 31-40m | team and person | integer | |
685 | Goals 41-50m | team and person | integer | |
686 | Goals 51-60m | team and person | integer | |
687 | Goals conceded 1-10m | team and person | integer | |
688 | Goals conceded 11-20m | team and person | integer | |
689 | Goals conceded 21-30m | team and person | integer | |
690 | Goals conceded 31-40m | team and person | integer | |
691 | Goals conceded 41-50m | team and person | integer | |
692 | Goals conceded 51-60m | team and person | integer | |
693 | Number of injuries | team and person | integer | |
694 | Goalkeeper goals | team and person | integer | |
695 | Goalkeeper efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
696 | 6 meter goals | team and person | integer | |
697 | Penalties unsuccessful | team and person | integer | |
698 | Time stopping incidents | team and person | integer | |
699 | Goalkeeper penalties efficiency | team and person | integerdecimal | |
700 | Penalty goals conceded | team and person | integer | |
41 | Assists | person | integer | |
832 | Goals lost after turnover | team | integer | |
833 | Number of fast attacks | team | integer | |
834 | No goal fast attacks | team | integer | |
835 | Goals after fast attack | team and person | integer | |
836 | Empty net goals | team and person | integer | |
471 | Empty net | team | integer | |
718 | Skin | team | integer |