Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Foot fault306yesNot startedThis incident is depracetad and will no longer usednoOut 2052 touchnoyesno
Incident name
Is important for trader
ParticipantAdd info possible valuesAdd info format

295Attack Pointyes

296Block pointyes

297In Progressno

298Service aceno


302Repeat actionno303

Net attackno304Service errorno305


Challenge correct 

attr. id="530"


no308Timeoutno309Yellow card


attr. id="531"

2719Timeout overyes


Yellow card 

attr. id="521"

Red card 

attr. id="522"

Player expulsion 

attr. id="523"

Player disqualification  

attr. id="524"
310Set ballno

311Set wonno

312Match ballno313

Point cancelledyes314Technical timeoutyes

2713Technical timeout overyes318yes

2712Match about to startyes

3201st set startedyes

3212nd set startedyes

3223rd set startedyes

3234th set startedyes

3245th set startedyes

325Finished awarded winyes


327Start delayedyes




2610Red cardyes336Antenna attackno337Challenge correctno338Challenge incorrectReferee challengeno

Call stands 

attr. id="525"

Call overturned 

attr. id="526"

342To finishyes347Substitution outno348Substitution in

no2001Golden set startedyes

2002Break afteryes

2003Break after 1st setyes

2004Break after 2nd setyes

2005Break after 3rd setyes

2006Break after 4th setyes

2007Break after 5th setyes

2008Player change sidesyes

2009Break during the gameyes2011Yellow+red card (player expulsion)yes2012Yellow+red card (player disqualification)yes

2013In possessionno

2051Attack erroryes

Out attack 

attr. id="527"

Antenna attack 

attr. id="528"



attr. id="529"
2053Technical errorsno2054Injury

Rotation error 

attr. id="517"

Foot fault

attr. id="518"

Net touch 

attr. id="519"

Double touch 

attr. id="520"
2600Perfect receptionno

2601Positive receptionno

2602Negative receptionno

2603Error receptionno

318Not startedyes

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
348Substitution inno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
347Substitution outno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
338Challenge incorrectno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
337Challenge correctno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
336Antenna attackno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2052Net touchno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
313Point cancelledyes

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
335Red cardyes

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
309Yellow cardyes

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2011Yellow+red card (player expulsion)yes

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2012Yellow+red card (player disqualification)yes

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
305Foot faultno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2606Attack foot faultno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2607Service foot faultno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2608Center line foot faultno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
303Net attackno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2609Neutral attackno2610Referee challenge

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used
2611Rotation errorno

This incident is deprecated and will no longer used